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Showing posts from 2012

Finding my way back

The past couple years have been such a journey for me. Whoever said that we are supposed to have it all figured out by age 30 lied... yup that was a flat out lie!!  I've always known that I wanted some kind of digital presence, I've always known that I wanted to be an entrepreneur but I've never quite got it to click. Over the past years that I have been absent from this blog I've gone from working a fulltime 8-4, to creating my own hair product line, opening an online retail store, having several part time jobs, whew I am getting tired just writing this lol.  Then came 2020..... the year covid hit. There was a lot of silence, stillness and healing in 2020. I needed a time out. I needed to stop.  If I am being totally honest 2020 rocked me in ways that I still cannot quite put into words. Maybe one day, far far into the future looking back I could explain. At present I sit here in June 2021, still trying to catch my footing, not wanting to go back to the mundane activit

Hair Practices: Co-washing

Hi Ladies, Let's talk about the ever so popular co-washing. I remember when I first heard about co-washing it was such a weird concept at the time. I had just started my healthy hair journey and taking care of my natural hair was such a pain (I was natural at the time). Now, I dont think I can go a week without  it.... So to start, what exactly is co-washing? Co-washing is washing your hair with conditioner. Yes, thats what I said, washing your hair with CONDITIONER. Why would someone wash their hair with conditioner?? *confused face* Traditionally, we all associate washing our hair with that sqeaking clean feeling that shampoo gives us.  This method of cleaning is what has been showcased in the media for years, but, what we fail to realise, is the race of the women and the type of hair in these commercials. Straight hair gets oily and weighed down faster because natural sebum can move freely down their strands. So in this case, once the hair is not processed, they can

Healthy Hair Styling: Protective Styles

Hi Everyone, Protective styles.... that seems to be the buzz word on Youtube lately so I just wanted to add my 2cents. Now firstly, what is a protective style? A protective style is any style where your ends are fully covered. Benefits of protective styles: -Key in retaining length as ends (oldest part of hair) are protected from frequent combing, rubbing on clothing, stress etc. If you notice the ends of your hair breaking off all over your bathroom counter and pillows this is the perfect time to do a protective style. -Aids in stretching relaxers...with most protective styles the new growth is stretched and not being manipulated -Just to give your hair a break from constant combing and stress on the strands.  The key to protective styling is ensuring that the hair was deep conditioned well . The hair should then be sprayed with a leave-in/ water based spritz that contains glycerine  so that moisture would continue to be pulled into the hair (in tropical climates that's

Hair Theory: Sealing in Moisture

Hey guys, Now that you have gotten all that moisture into your hair-shaft how do you keep it in there? Coming out of the hair structure post we see that there are cuticles on the outermost layer of the strand. These are like tiny scales... when they are open they allow substances to enter and leave the strand freely. The trick is to get them open inorder to get the desired substances inside, then to close them shut so that these substances are trapped inside. Below I am going to discuss some of the ways we can trap/seal moisture into our hair.. 1. Ph Our scalps natural sebum is acidic. Our hair thrives in slightly acidic environments as it closes the hair's cuticle. Diluted Apple cider vinegar and aloe vera juice are both acidic and are effective in closing the cuticle. The best ph range for our hair is 4.5-5.6 . You can also purchase ph testing strips to measure the ph of hair products as it is not normally listed on labels.   2. Oils and butters Oils  and butters seal mo

Healthy Hair Styling: Bantu Knot Out

Ok ladies..I'm Back!! Sorry that I have been MIA for a little while. But to make it up to you Im back with a healthy stretched style that is to die for.... the BANTU KNOT OUT!! Again these stretched styles are key in maintaining the health and length of our hair as it reduces tangles, single strand knots and painful damaging detangling sessions. It is also low manipulation & low maintenance which = less breakage/less stress on our strands This style is even easier than a braidout for me and the results are just as beautiful. So the process for doing this style is very similar to the braidout: Wash and deep condition hair, spritz with leave-in, seal with hair butter, evenly distribute gel/holding product to each section then twist around and around until it starts to knot at the bottom.. continue to wrap the hair around itself until you reach to ends. This is what it should look like when you are done: I did 8 large knots and went under the dryer. The most important ste


Hey everyone, Just wanted to wish you guys God's grace, peace and blessings for 2012!!! When a new year rolls around we all spend some time reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the new year with alot of hope. I believe that this new year is going to be an amazing year of growth/progress in each aspect of my life and to celebrate this hope/excitement.... guess what I did!!!! I COLOURED MY HAIR!!! Well, part of it at least lol I was just feeling to change things up a bit... its not too bright.. because im all about healthy hair. What do you guys think? You like? Ill do a post later on this week about taking care of colour treated hair!! GOD BLESS!!